Arrival & Departure
Telra's school day starts at 8:15am and ends at 3:30pm Our doors will open at 7:55 am.
7:45am – Cars allowed to enter drop-off line.
7:55am – Morning car line unloading begins; walkers may arrive.
8:15am – Morning bell - Arrivals after this time must park and sign in tardy.
(See how to avoid tardies.)
1:00pm – Dismissal changes cut off – no changes accepted after this time.
3:00pm – Latest time for early dismissal.
3:05pm – Cars allowed to enter pick-up line.
3:30pm – Afternoon bell.
3:35-3:40pm – Students begin exiting for car line, buses, vans, walkers, and after school care.
3:55pm – End of car line.
4:00pm – Pickups after this time will incur after-care charges.
BSC - Before School Care
Families dropping off for Before School Care can stop in the curve and approach the walker entrance (located at the gym - to the right of the main entrance and flag pole.) The parking lot is open only for staff and Before School care between 7:00-7:45am
You can sign up for BSC here.
Telra parking lot at McKee Rd.
The map below shows how traffic flows during arrival and dismissal times.
Car line time restrictions – Cars will not be allowed to enter the property for car line before 7:45am in the morning or before 3:05pm in the afternoon.
The car line blocks access to our building which we need to keep open for staff, before care, and early dismissals. If you arrive early, you will be turned away. Please do not try to circumvent this by queuing up on the road or in the church parking lot.

Car Line
One way flow.
Please note that the main entrance to the school is on the west end of campus from the road that runs between the Baptist church and St. Francis church.
We have two driveways directly on McKee Rd – one for buses only and one is exit only. Do not try to enter these driveways.
Three-lane drop zone with driver side entry/exit.
Our car line queue expands to 3 lanes, and we’ll use all 3 for drop off and pick up.
The near lane loads/unloads first, then after it empties, the 2nd lane goes, and after that, the far lane.
Access is from the LEFT side of the car.
Please make sure your children are ready to load/unload from the driver’s side. If you must access from the passenger side, be sure to take lane 3 (furthest to the right)
Parents should stay in the car.
If you are in the middle or far lane, please keep your children in the car until a staff member approaches to open your door.
If you need to help your child settle into a car seat, wait until you can pull forward around the curve and then off to the side.
Morning tardies
Telra's academic day starts at 8:15am sharp, and students need to be in their classroom at 8:15am to avoid being marked tardy.
Car-rider families - we know the morning routine at home can be tough, but be sure to arrive well-in time to make sure your child starts the Telra day on the right foot. We want to teach students that punctuality matters.
The morning car line opens at 7:55am. Aim for the Green zone!
Cars arriving 7:55 - 8:05 am - Green zone - Your child will have plenty of time to visit their locker/cubby and get to class. Maybe even chat with their friends and relax a bit before school begins.
Cars arriving 8:05 - 8:10 am - Yellow zone - Your child will likely be on time, but you haven't left much cushion in case there is traffic on the road or in our drop off area.
Cars arriving 8:10 - 8:15 am - Red zone - There is a good chance your child will be tardy. Best case scenario, they'll be rushing to get to class.
Cars arriving after 8:15 am - Tardy - You will need to park and sign your child in.
Walkers will use the main front door
Late Arrival
If you arrive after 8:15am, please park in the pavilion parking lot of the school and walk your child to the front door to sign them in. The Operations team will then issue your student with a late pass before sending them to their classroom. Do not pull into the bus entrance at the back of the school.
Changing dismissal method
Dismissal changes happen, plans alter and we understand that!
Dismissal changes can only be submitted via our Microsoft Dismissal & Absences tool. You will need to log in with your child's Telra Microsoft Credentials
Dismissal changes must be submitted by 1pm (at latest) on the day of dismissal. (24-hours notice is preferred.) Changes to regular dismissal method will not be made after 1pm.
Early Dismissal
Parents can sign their children out of school early prior to 3:00pm. From 3:00pm onwards students will not be dismissed early. Change in dismissal method also must be communicated prior to 1pm. See above.
If you need to collect your student from school early, please complete your request using the Microsoft Dismissal and Absences tool. Pick up is from the front door of the school and you must bring photo identification to sign your child out. Early dismissal finishes at 3:00pm, no exceptions. We understand that occasionally appointments need to be scheduled during school hours, however, please don’t make it a regular occurrence as this cuts into the instructional time that your child receives.
Students will be dismissed at 3:30pm, but it takes time to leave the building. The car line doesn't start moving until around 3:35.
Car riders, please follow the same traffic flow of arrival. Please do not line up for afternoon pickup before 3:05pm. If you arrive early, you will be blocked from driving on campus and that risks creating a back-up on McKee Rd. (This is one area in life where it's not good to be too early! Many parents plan to arrive around 3:45, and can get through car line in 10-20 mins)
Car tags - All cars must have their car tags hanging on the rear view mirror (or a clearly visible piece of paper on the dashboard with your family's assigned car line number, family name, and children's names.) If you are carpooling with another family, find out their number and display both tags or a home-made sign in clear lettering
Bus riders/van riders will be collected and taken to their bus or van.
Walkers will be collected and taken to the playground. Parents of walkers should assemble near the playground gate (do not enter the playground). A member of staff will walk students out to you.
After School Care – External Vendors
Parents should deal directly with the external vendor. Should issues arise, parents should address concerns directly with the vendor. Parents can reach out to if the vendor is not resolving concerns.
Telra After School Care (ASC & BSC)
Telra Institute is excited to partner with the Superlative Club this year for all your before and after school care needs!
Before school care is available daily from 7am-7:55am. Drop off will be at the entrance to the gym. No students will be admitted after 7:40am. Students will partake in a variety of indoor enrichment activities to get their day started right!
After school care is available daily from 3:30pm-6pm. The Superlative Club afterschool program is truly like no other! Not only will students receive outdoor enrichment and homework help, but it also incorporates hour-long enrichment classes.
Enrichment class selections for the 24-25 school year are Robotics/Coding, Culinary Arts, and Musical Instruments (Guitar), students will rotate through these electives throughout the school year!
To access pricing, additional details, and registration for the before and afterschool programs, please click on the following link: Registration - TELRA Institute (