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  • Admissions Overview | Telra Institute

    Admissions Overview Open enrollment for all grades (K-10) for 2025-2026 opened on December 6 Grades 8-10: Open enrollment closes January 6, 2025. Lottery (if needed) will be held on Jan 7. Grades 5-7: Open enrollment closes January 24, 2025. Lottery (if needed) will be held on Jan 27. Grades K-4: Open enrollment closes February 14, 2025. Lottery (if needed) will be held on Feb 17. Welcome and thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the Telra Institute family. Telra is a nonprofit tuition-free public charter school authorized by the State of North Carolina. We adhere to an open admissions and enrollment policy. Here's how the process works: 1. Submit an online application (it takes just 5 minutes on your smartphone or computer) 2. Receive acceptance/ waitlist notification Applications received after the lottery are added to the wait list in the order they are received after applying any applicable admission preferences. Learn More or Apply Now 3. Complete enrollment by submitting documents FAQ's Who can apply? Should I apply? When do I apply? How are students selected? How does the lottery work? How do I apply? What's next if my child is admitted? What about future years? What are the documentation requirements? Does Telra use admissions screening? Why did my child move backward on the waitlist? Where is the school? What about transportation, meals, uniforms, etc? FAQs Who can apply Who can apply? We invite applications from all children who meet AGE and RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS : AGE - A child who reaches the age of five years on or before August 31 qualifies to enter Kindergarten. Limited exceptions apply. NORTH CAROLINA RESIDENCY - Attendance is open to applicants from any county or school district area as long as the child's primary residence is in the state of North Carolina. DOCUMENTATION - Documentation is not required at the time of application, but if your child is admitted, proof of eligibility must be provided to complete enrollment. Should I apply Should I apply? We want every child to find the best school environment that helps them realize their potential. We invite you to review Choosing A School to learn what makes Telra special. When do I apply When do I apply? We want every child to have an equal opportunity to attend our school. All applications received during Open Enrollment will be given equal consideration. The order in which Open Enrollment applications are submitted has no bearing on chances for selection. You can also apply after the Open Enrollment period. However, late applications will be only be considered after the Open Enrollment applications are processed (see below). How are stuents selected How are students selected? When the Open Enrollment period ends, we compare the number of applications we received to the number of available seats in each grade and section. If more seats are available than applicants, we accept all eligible children who applied during Open Enrollment. If we have fewer seats available than applicants, a computerized lottery will take place to determine which students get a seat and which students are placed on the waiting list. The lottery will be run on Pi Day, March 14. Admissions preferences can provide an advantage in the lottery. We urge parents to review them and learn if any apply to your child. The application form will give you the opportunity to claim any relevant admission preferences. Children who apply after Open Enrollment closes are processed in the order their applications are received and placed on the appropriate list - admitted or waitlist. If your child is on the waitlist, don’t be discouraged! Seats will open up throughout the spring and summer. We will send you updates as the waitlist moves and continue to send you school information. Note that admissions preferences also apply to applicants on the waitlist. If you discover, after you have been waitlisted, that one of the admissions preferences apply to your child, you can update your application and improve your chances of selection. Who runs the lottery How does the lottery work? At the end of Open Enrollment, we determine - for each grade and section - whether a lottery is needed. Applicants are then assigned a random number and their applications are then sequenced from lowest (at the top of the list) to highest number (at the bottom of the list). Offers are extended in this sequence until capacity is reached. We do not know ahead of time what the capacity will be in each grade, nor can we predict likelihood of admission. That is a somewhat dynamic question as space and staff are allocated depending on multiple factors, including overall demand and relative demand at each grade. Admissions preferences are an exception to the random lot assignment. Many families may qualify for one or more admission preferences, so it is important to review them closely and see if any may apply to your child in order to maximize your chances of admission. How do I apply How do I apply? A responsible parent or guardian must create an Alma Start account. Once the account is created, you can add your child(ren) to your profile using the gray "+" symbol on the left. Select a child, then click the Get Started "+" on the right. Select the school year (2025-26), and the child's current Grade Level (in 24-25). Pre-K students: If your child in in currently in pre-school or not yet in school, please select "K" whenever you are asked for the child's current grade leve l Click on the Admission 25-26 process box that appears below. (Or, if you are applying on the current-year waitlist, click on the "Admission 24-25 Waitlist" process.) Then click "begin" to launch the process. New applicants will start in the Admissions intake stage . Click there to complete the required forms. Once you have completed all the forms, click the green submit button to move your application to the Wait List stage. Make sure to complete this step by the end of open enrollment if you want to participate in the Lottery. You will know that your application is complete because it will show as being in the Wait List stage . (You will not received an email confirmation. Please don't email the front desk for more information. Read below to see how you'll be kept updated.) That's all you have to do for now. Lottery participants receive their lottery sequence (wait list) number after the lottery and the school will reach out if you are invited for admission. Later wait list additions will receive an email at the end of the month they register with the unique ID they can use to look up their waitlist position. While you are waiting, keep an eye on opportunities to learn more about the school, take a tour, and participate in optional placement testing. Need help on navigating Alma Start? Access the walkthrough videos with the password: Sparkpotential If you don't have access to internet, need translation support, or would like to apply another way, please reach out to frontdesk [at] or call the school at 704-727-2530. Apply now Whats Next What's next if my child is admitted? You will receive an email notifying you that your child has been admitted and how you can respond to accept or decline the offer. You will have up to 7 days to respond , but we request that you be prompt, as your decision impacts other families. (See below for exceptions from this timeline.) If you accept, you will receive an email explaining how to proceed to enroll your child and explaining the documentation requirements. You will have up to 7 days to provide the requested documents and complete the registration forms. (See below for exceptions from this timeline.) After you submit your registration forms, they will undergo a validation process that can take up to a week. You may be contacted if a form was incorrectly completed or an uploaded document is not valid or legible. When validation is complete, you will receive an email welcoming you to Telra. If you haven't received this email after a week, be sure to check your spam folder before reaching out to inquire. Any admissions from the waitlist more than 30 days after the date of the lottery may have shortened timelines (2 days)for response. What about future years What about future years? If you are planning to continue attending Telra, once enrolled, a student does not need to submit another application nor enter a lottery to remain a Telra Institute in subsequent years. (Once you're in, you're in!) If you decide to move to another school (mid-year or at the end of an academic year), you will need to re-apply if you change your mind and decide you want to come back to Telra. Also note that, because Telra's curriculum and grade level system are different from that of other schools, if you do leave Telra, we cannot predict how another school will map your Telra courses and grade level to theirs. They may go simply by your nominal Telra grade level or they may take into account the specific coursework you have completed at Telra and give you an accelerated placement. Ultimately, these decisions are made by the school leadership at your destination school. Doc Reqs What are the documentation requirements? Parents or guardians will be required to submit certain documentation to complete enrollment. This will include: Identification Copy of child's birth certificate or other proof of age and legal name North Carolina residency - Acceptable proof of residency documents must include the parent or guardian's name. Any of the following documents may be used: A utility bill dated within the past 60 days, such as gas, water, electric, telephone, or cable A financial statement dated within the past 60 days such as payroll stub, bank statement, or credit card statement Current vehicle registration Dated within the past year: Vehicle Tax Bill, Property Tax Bill, W-2, or Medicaid Card Copy of residential deed or record of most recent residential mortgage statement Notarized Residency Affidavit ( form ) Residential lease HUD closing statement Letter from approved agency or group home Refugee resettlement letter Exceptions to the proof of residency requirement apply for a child whose parent or legal guardian is on active military duty and is transferred or pending transfer pursuant to an official military order. Please review the requirements here and contact Telra if you think this may apply to you. Immunization North Carolina law requires all children in the state to receive certain immunizations as listed here . McKinney-Vento Telra Institute complies with the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. Children experiencing homelessness may enroll, even if lacking normally required documents. Please contact Telra if you think this may apply to you or reach out to Lisa Notini at 828.287.7897. Additional resources are available here: no admissions screening Does Telra have admissions screening? We know many other schools (charters, privates, and district magnets) screen applicants based on standardized tests, portfolio reviews, auditions, etc. These processes often include cognitive aptitude tests to identify "giftedness", but those can be unreliable for preschool-aged children. Since many of our applicants are only 4 years old, such an exam would be of limited use for us. Moreover, the advanced learning curriculum we offer works fabulously well for many gifted students, but not all of them. At the same time there are other students who have the passion and drive to thrive at Telra (and in life!), but may not carry the "gifted" label. Instead of focusing on admissions screening and binary labels, we offer optional placement assessments that students can take if they are requesting a non-default placement in reading or math. These assessments are similar to those our enrolled students take regularly - they correlate directly with our grouping model and they inform which grade or math/reading instructional group a student is eligible for. We recommend participating in the placement assessments if you believe your child needs to be placed at a math or reading level different from their default grade level. Placement results do not affect an applicant's lottery or waitlist position. However, they can affect a student's instructional grouping and/or grade level placement. As a result, they can indirectly impact assignment because we (sequentially, in lottery order) consider each applicant against available space in each of the classes / grade levels into which that applicant is recommended for placement. Choosing A School Backward Waitlist Why did my child move backward on the waitlist? We know no one wants to see their child move to a higher number on the waitlist, but this can happen when another applicant has an admission preference applied. As much as possible, we try to identify admission preferences prior to the lottery, but sometimes these are not recognized until after the lottery is run, and sometimes families that apply after the lottery may qualify for an admission preference which can advance them on the waitlist. Where is school Where is the school? Telra is located at 4150 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270. See more on our Location page Transportation Meals Uni What about transportation, meals, uniforms, etc? Please read more about Attending Telra . Our school uniform and dress code principles can be found here .

  • Telra Institute | Advanced Learning Charter School | Charlotte, NC

    A challenging and accelerated experience for advanced learners Welcome to Telra Institute Telra Institute is a tuition-free charter school Open enrollment for grades K-10 entering in Fall 2025 is now open! Telra will expand by one grade each year through K-12. Grades 8-10: Lottery is complete and offers sent. Additional applicants will be processed in order received Grades 5-7: Lottery deadline Jan 24 Grades K-4: Lottery deadline Feb 14 A few seats may be available for current year entry. Join the waitlist below How to enroll Register for tours dates and placement testing Watch our information session videos for prospective families Info sessions Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing 1. Why Telra 07:19 Play Video Now Playing 2. Mission Curriculum Placement 17:57 Play Video Now Playing 3. High school overview 14:04 Play Video Telra Institute is a tuition-free public school in the south Charlotte metro. Read about our location, calendar, transportation, meals, uniforms, and more. Let's Go! countdown What makes Telra different? Our Approach What program do we offer? Our Curriculum Our grouping model optimizes instructional time 15-35% More learning The Telra experience looks different for every student Each child follows their own trajectory through Telra Learn More

  • Performance metrics | Telra Institute

    School Report Card Year Letter grade Performance score 2023-2024 A 86 2022-2023 B 81 2021-2022 B 79 Read to Achieve Item 2023-2024 (Count) 2023-2024 (Percent) 2022-2023 (Count) 2022-2023 (Percent) 2021-2022 (Count) 2021-2022 (Percent) Demonstrated reading proficiency on the Beginning-of-Grade 3 (BOG3) Reading Test, the End-of-Grade (EOG) Reading Test, or the EOG Reading Retest 65 87.8% 58 81.7% 27 79.4% Did not demonstrate reading proficiency on the BOG3 Reading Test, the EOG Reading Test, or the EOG Reading Retest * * 13 18.3% * * Good cause exemption a) Students who took and passed an alternative assessment approved by the SBE * * * * * * Good cause exemption b) English Learner [EL] students with less than two school years of instruction in an English as a Second Language [ESL] program. * * * * * * Good cause exemption c) Students whose current IEP indicates the use of the NCEXTEND1 assessment, have a 2+year delay, or have received reading interventions for 2+ years. * * * * * * Good cause exemption d) Students who have been previously retained more than once in K, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grades. * * * * * * Good cause exemption e) Students who demonstrated reading proficiency appropriate for third-grade students through a RtA Reading Portfolio. * * * * * * The number and percent of students eligible for priority enrollment in reading camp. * * * * * * The number and percentage of students eligible for priority enrollment who attended reading camp. * * * * * * Total number and percentage of students retained for not demonstrating reading proficiency on State RTA third-grade standards * * * * * * Number and percentage of students retained per RTA who do not return to the charter school for the upcoming school year. * * * * * * Number of students who passed the alternative assessment (iReady) 29 N/A 61 86% 31 91% * If the number of students in a data field is fewer than 10 students, an asterisk (*) is shown

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Blog Posts (55)

  • Telra Telegram - December 21, 2024

    Winter break is here! We wish our Telra community a wonderful and festive break with your friends and family. We'll return back to school on January 6. The school office will be open on Monday 12/23 before closing down for the break and reopening on Thursday 1/2. Key dates - basketball this weekend, lunch orders due Monday Field trip recap - photos! 𝜏 au update - time running out for 2024 tax deductions iReady score reports Computer Science awards - Telra winners! Flag football - interested? Key dates Sunday - 12/22 - Boys 12U basketball 3pm at Crews Recreation Center Monday - 12/23 - Office hours 9am-2pm Enjoy winter break  (no school) 12/21 - 1/5 12/23/24 - Order lunch  by noon for 1st week back in January 12/30/24 - Order lunch  by noon for 2nd week back in January 1/2 & 1/3 - School office hours 9am-2pm January 6, 2025 - Back to school 1/23 - School spelling bee  (starts at 4:30) Winter field trips Over the last 10 days, Telra students had a chance to venture out around Charlotte for winter field trips filled with fun and learning. If you went on one of these trips and have your own photos of videos, please share them with our Telra archive at . You can help keep these field trips free of charge with your contribution to the Telra Annual Use fund! T elra A nnual U se fund ( 𝜏 au ) Thank you to the generous families who have helped us get to 5% of our goal in the first month of the launch of the T elra A nnual U se fund (𝜏 au ). As 2024 winds down, you still have a few weeks left to make a tax-deductible donation to support all we do at Telra. Many corporate matching programs have a cap that resets each calendar year, so don't miss your chance to double your impact! The launch video  explains why  𝜏 au is the top fundraising priority for the school, and how it can help us elevate your child's educational experience to world-class. You can do your part to help us keep field trips, school buses, clubs, technology, and other benefits of the Telra experience free of service fees (not to mention helping us attract and keep great teachers). Visit the   𝜏 au  home page  where it's quick and easy for you to support the cause. Your children spend more than 7 hours each day with us. Won't you help us make Telra into all it can be? iReady score reports Last week, students in grades K-8 took their mid-year i-Ready diagnostics in reading and math. i-Ready is a nationally-normed assessment used as an independent measure of growth, so that we (and you) can track your child's progress over time with a test that's not tied to Telra's curriculum (i.e., we don't teach to the test). Families can access their child's results in the iReady Parent Portal at any time. Visit  and log in using the credentials below Username = Student ID number ( you can find this in Alma ) Password = telra Click on the For Families  dropdown and select the For Families report . Enter the Telra District Report Code: NNXHJ4 As you look at the scores, please keep in mind that all tests have an error range, and it's not unusual for individual test administrations to show little growth (or sometimes even negative growth). These scores are most meaningful when we track growth over years. For more help interpreting the scores, see the attached file Computer Science awards Telra students have been busy learning how to express themselves through computer code in Mrs. Gururaj's class and participated in the CMU CS Academy Fall 2024 Creative Task Competition. Our students’ projects stood out among numerous submissions from schools across 65 countries worldwide that use this curriculum. Grace Jordan (6th grade) won 1st place for her exceptionally detailed work featuring Kawaii characters and showcasing her grasp of event-driven programming concepts work in Unit 2 Ronan Kirk (7th grade) took 2nd place for his Ping Pong game in Unit 3 which introduced concepts of Conditionals.  See these works and more projects from Telra students on our CS Showcase website . Flag football Experience the fun, teamwork, and excitement of flag football at Telra. If you're in grades 5-9 and might be interested in participating in an intramural co-ed flag football league, let us know in the form below. If we get enough interest, we'll launch the program this spring!

  • Telra Telegram December 17, 2024

    Today in the Telegram Chaperones, please share your field trip photos and videos! Are you interested in investing in Telra? We are closing a financing round soon, and you might have a chance to take part Key dates Wednesday - 12/18 4th & 5th grade field trips ( complete your permission slip ) 6th-8th grade iReady (as needed to complete) Book fair evening family shopping event 5:00-7:30pm Tacos4Life Spirit Night 4:00-9:00pm Thursday - 12/19 1st & 2nd grade field trips ( complete your permission slip ) K & 3rd grade iReady , 7th & 8th as needed to complete Friday - 12/20 Spirit Day for students - spiritwear or regular uniform shirts along with uniform bottoms (no hoodies!) 8th & 9th grade field trip ( complete your permission slip ) Saturday - 12/21 - Boys 14U basketball 4pm at Sun Valley High Sunday - 12/22 - Boys 12U basketball 3pm at Crews Recreation Center Enjoy winter break (no school) 12/21 - 1/5 12/23/24 - Order lunch by noon for 1st week back in January 12/30/24 - Order lunch by noon for 2nd week back in January January 6, 2025 - Back to school 1/7 - Social Skills group begins 1/23 - School spelling bee (starts at 4:30) Field trip week is here This week, Telra students are heading out on fun, enriching, and educational field trips at no charge to parents. How are we able to make this happen? With support from parents like you who donate to our Annual Fund . Make sure you've filled out the online permission slip Here's the link: Note: You'll need to be logged in with your child's Telra Microsoft credentials to complete the form. Having troubles? Open the link in a new private / incognito browser window so that there are no prior Microsoft credentials saved You may be able to right-click on the link and select "open in private window" Alternatively, open a private browser another way and copy-paste the link into that browser window. Date Grade Level Location Wednesday, 12/11/24 6th Grade Stage 1 at Blume Studios – The Infinite SPACE Experience Monday 12/16/24 9th Grade Stage 1 at Blume Studios – The Infinite SPACE Experience Monday 12/16/24 3rd Grade Discovery Place Science Monday 12/16/2024 Kindergarten Brookdale Senior Living + William R. Davie Playground Tuesday 12/17/2024 7th Grade Mint Museum at Levine Center for the Arts Wednesday, 12/18/2024 4th Grade NASCAR Museum Wednesday, 12/18/2024 5th Grade Greensboro Science Center Thursday 12/19/2024 2nd Grade NASCAR Museum Thursday 12/19/2024 1st Grade Schiele Museum Friday 12/20/2024 8th & 9th Grade CPCC Levine Campus i-Ready testing, this week! During the week of 12/16-12/20, students will complete their middle of the year i-Ready testing. Please see the below testing schedule for students based on their grade level: 12/16  - 1st and 2nd Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups in their 4th block teacher's classroom and will still have specials and recess as scheduled 12/17  - 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups and will still have specials and recess as scheduled. More information about locations for testing coming soon! 12/18  - 6th-8th Grade i-Ready in science/social studies as needed 12/19  - Kindergarten and 3rd Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups in their 4th block teacher's classroom and will still have specials and recess as scheduled; 7th and 8th Grade i-Ready in science/social studies; 4th-6th i-Ready make up testing will take place as needed during Flex for K-3. Students should be sure to bring their headphones and a book on all i-Ready testing days. Book Fair has begun Telra's Bedford Falls book fair is here this week, running from Friday, 12/13, through Thursday, 12/19. Shop the Winter Book Fair and support Telra! On Wednesday, 12/18, we’ll host a Family Evening Shopping Event, perfect for picking up last-minute holiday gifts while supporting our school. Enjoy a cozy hot chocolate bar and story time for the little ones. Afterward, head over to Tacos 4 Life at the Arboretum for a Spirit Night benefiting Telra! Tacos4Life Spirit Night Wednesday December 18, from 4pm-9pm 3351 Pineville Matthews Rd Show this flyer or use the code FUNDRAISER online to get (a) free salsa or queso AND (b) $5 donated back to the school. Tacos4Life spirit night on 12/18/24 4-9pm Classroom spelling bees begin this week Grade-level spelling bees kick off the week of December 16th, leading up to our School Spelling Bee on January 23rd. Here is a sneak peek into the upcoming spellbinding event:   Official Classroom Bees: Date: Week of December 16-20 Details: Teachers will select a convenient day and promptly inform their classes. Participation:   - K-3 classes: two finalists in each class   - 4-8 classes: three finalists in each class   K-3 School Bee: Date: Thursday, January 23rd Time: 4:30pm Details:   - Grade level champions determined by participants' longevity in the competition.   - Overall K-3 champion and runner-up will receive invitations to the Open Bee.   Open School Bee: Date: Thursday, January 23rd Time: 4:30 PM Details: Invitations extended to three finalists from each 4-8 class, along with the K-3 champion and runner-up. Grade level champions are determined by participants' longevity in the competition. The overall school champion and runner-up will be crowned during this event.   We extend a warm invitation to you, our valued parents, to attend and cheer for your talented spellers on January 23rd. Your support is invaluable in creating a memorable experience for our students. Social skills group starting January Do you have a 9-12 year-old who wants to join a social skills group to gain confidence, improve peer relationships, or reduce anxiety? Our friends at Dandelion Family Counseling have a few slots left in their group sessions beginning on January 7th.

  • Telra Telegram December 15, 2024

    Field trips, book fair, and more this week. Read on. Field trip week! T elra A nnual U se fund (𝜏 au ) update i-Ready testing this week Book Fair is here The weekend at Telra Classroom bees Social skills group Field trip week is here This week, Telra students are heading out on fun, enriching, and educational field trips at no charge to parents. How are we able to make this happen? With support from parents like you who donate to our Annual Fund . Make sure you've filled out the online permission slip Here's the link: Note: You'll need to be logged in with your child's Telra Microsoft credentials to complete the form. Having troubles? Open the link in a new private / incognito browser window so that there are no prior Microsoft credentials saved You may be able to right-click on the link and select "open in private window" Alternatively, open a private browser another way and copy-paste the link into that browser window. Date Grade Level Location Wednesday, 12/11/24 6th Grade Stage 1 at Blume Studios – The Infinite SPACE Experience Monday 12/16/24 9th Grade Stage 1 at Blume Studios – The Infinite SPACE Experience Monday 12/16/24 3rd Grade Discovery Place Science Monday 12/16/2024 Kindergarten Brookdale Senior Living + William R. Davie Playground Tuesday 12/17/2024 7th Grade Mint Museum at Levine Center for the Arts Wednesday, 12/18/2024 4th Grade NASCAR Museum Wednesday, 12/18/2024 5th Grade Greensboro Science Center Thursday 12/19/2024 2nd Grade NASCAR Museum Thursday 12/19/2024 1st Grade Schiele Museum Friday 12/20/2024 8th & 9th Grade CPCC Levine Campus T elra A nnual U se fund ( 𝜏 au ) Two weeks ago we announced a new major fundraising drive for Telra Institute - the T elra A nnual U se fund (𝜏 au ). The launch video  explains the why  behind 𝜏 au.  In two weeks, our families have contributed more than $20,000! That's 3% of the way to our goal in a short time. You can do your part to help us keep field trips, school buses, clubs, and other benefits of the Telra experience free of service fees (not to mention helping us attract and keep great teachers). Visit the   𝜏 au  home page  where it's quick and easy for you to support the cause. Your children spend more than 7 hours each day with us. Won't you help us make Telra into all it can be? Thank you to the many families who have already contributed!! i-Ready testing, this week! During the week of 12/16-12/20, students will complete their middle of the year i-Ready testing. Please see the below testing schedule for students based on their grade level: 12/16  - 1st and 2nd Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups in their 4th block teacher's classroom and will still have specials and recess as scheduled 12/17  - 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups and will still have specials and recess as scheduled. More information about locations for testing coming soon! 12/18  - 6th-8th Grade i-Ready in science/social studies as needed 12/19  - Kindergarten and 3rd Grade i-Ready; students will spend the day in grade level groups in their 4th block teacher's classroom and will still have specials and recess as scheduled; 7th and 8th Grade i-Ready in science/social studies; 4th-6th i-Ready make up testing will take place as needed during Flex for K-3. Students should be sure to bring their headphones and a book on all i-Ready testing days. Book Fair has begun Telra's Bedford Falls book fair is here this week, running from Friday, 12/13, through Thursday, 12/19. Shop the Winter Book Fair and support Telra! Save the date!  On Wednesday, 12/18, we’ll host a Family Evening Shopping Event, perfect for picking up last-minute holiday gifts while supporting our school. Enjoy a cozy hot chocolate bar ($2 per cup, cash preferred!) and story time for the little ones. Afterward, head over to Tacos 4 Life at the Arboretum for a Spirit Night benefiting Telra! More details, including volunteer opportunities to help at the Fair, will be shared later this week, or send an email if you see a spot you're available to help! Please note that students will shop with their grade level, though the schedule below may shift due to field trips, testing, and the spelling bee. Thank you for your flexibility! Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair! The weekend at Telra What did you miss this weekend at Telra? 8th and 9th grade enjoyed a Hamilton movie night and gained a newfound appreciation for history and musicals! Boys 12s and 14s basketball teams had games on Saturday (14s shot out to an early 1st half lead before a disappointing loss). The Charlotte Math Club and Charlotte regional ARML held their December meetings at Telra. Next games Boys 14U: 4pm 12/21 at Sun Valley High Boys 12U: 3pm 12/22 at Crews Recreation Center Classroom spelling bees begin this week Grade-level spelling bees kick off the week of December 16th, leading up to our School Spelling Bee on January 23rd. Here is a sneak peek into the upcoming spellbinding event:   Official Classroom Bees: Date: Week of December 16-20 Details: Teachers will select a convenient day and promptly inform their classes. Participation:   - K-3 classes: two finalists in each class   - 4-8 classes: three finalists in each class   K-3 School Bee: Date: Thursday, January 23rd Time: 4:30pm Details:   - Grade level champions determined by participants' longevity in the competition.   - Overall K-3 champion and runner-up will receive invitations to the Open Bee.   Open School Bee: Date: Thursday, January 23rd Time: 6:30 PM Details: Invitations extended to three finalists from each 4-8 class, along with the K-3 champion and runner-up. Grade level champions are determined by participants' longevity in the competition. The overall school champion and runner-up will be crowned during this event.   We extend a warm invitation to you, our valued parents, to attend and cheer for your talented spellers on January 23rd. Your support is invaluable in creating a memorable experience for our students. Social skills group starting January Do you have a 9-12 year-old who wants to join a social skills group to gain confidence, improve peer relationships, or reduce anxiety? Our friends at Dandelion Family Counseling have a few slots left in their group sessions beginning on January 7th.

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